Flight Rant.

So one of the things I always pay additional for is the window seat for two reasons, one, I don’t want people bumping into me if I get the seat near the isle. Two, The view. While I’m boarding I hear kids already screaming… I’m praying “Please don’t let them be seated near me. Now before anyone gets offended about me not wanting to sit with kids… The reason I prefer to not be seated with kids is because some of these parents don’t make their kids listen, put earphones on etc. Just my luck my window seat is with them. I’m trying to be positive and I’m thinking okay maybe when we take off they’ll be a little more calm. Not at all. I was getting kicked the entire way, they took over my tray, changed the channel on my tv, tablets up loud and they had earphones but obviously they weren’t plugged into their tablets, screaming, food everywhere, at one point one of the kids climbed to sit on my lap. So, the mother communicated through ASL. I’m doing my best to commun...