Why is Believing in Yourself So Powerful

God gives his strongest soldiers the hardest battles. But sometimes even the strongest soldiers question the meaning of a war. Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important. Capture the good times and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” Again, at times Keeping it together isn't the easiest thing to do. We keep fighting for the people we love and we stay focused smiling even when deep down we know that we aren’t ok. Sometimes to be happy it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you decided to look beyond imperfection. what do you do if it hurts so bad inside and the one you are supposed to be able to count on is too weak to support you? Their happiness is in you as well. So you stay strong for their sake despite what you are going through. They become dependent for their own happiness. We are stronger than we think. Some day we win all of the difficulties we face and be the true of us and the best person we can be. We therefore sta...