

  Best sellers PARLIAMENT OF OWLS. The playwright of the parliament of Owls Asipo Sidang has used a cover for his book. The book has a drawing of a group of Owls-parliament. They are sitted together as one . In a reflective perspective, our society has its own leaders who   sit in the parliament and discuss issues which they know are fit to   manage and lead those they govern. The title of the play therefore reflects the political status in the country-Kenya. We have leaders who rule based on their own understanding and will.   The text should not be about the birds but it’s majorly about political leaders that we have in our country and hoe they rule those around them. While reading the text, the playwright has used the birds as his characters in the story.   For a clear understanding of the text, it is better that we read the story looking at it on a human perspective and not relating it to the birds. We will come across a group of Owls which is in position of making laws and

Parliament of Owls Summary.

Parliament of Owls is a play that Adipo Sidang has written in form of an Allegory to hide the impact of the text- moral, social religious and political issues. Parliament of Owls is a political set text in a birds kingdom under the mysterious leadership of King Tula Nyongoro. The Royal regime is under the night birds who consider themselves as the only birds that are above the law. They consider themselves to be more intelligent than other birds and they are the ones who can make sound statutes   to govern the kingdom.   The irony is that their regulations are biased and do not amount to the problems encountered in the kingdom. Amongst them is Oyundi the fire flinch that organises a political demonstration against the parliament of Owls in the quest for change. The irony is that this bird is considered one of the tamest species in Africa- it is a small bird. As a female character, this bird is a threat to the nocturnal birds the Owls in the Royal kingdom.   This quest for change is

Marriage Truths From Divorced.

 Learn the difference between being needed and being valued. Never marry someone who needs you. Marry someone who values you. Then, contribute more to the marriage than you expect to get back. Allow yourself to admit faults, don't be always right. Remember, your spouse has got their own mind too, allow them to think and table motions. Don’t always shut them out since they too have faults but are not useless. Their faults can be solved without a fight but sitting down and listening to one's side of the story, uplift us by supporting one another, protecting us and don't look for faults in one. The person is your spouse, not your enemy. Don’t keep score, but make sure you’re putting in the effort. Be on the same team. Make sure your spouse understands that this is the expectation the two of you should agree on. There will be days 50/50, other days not so much. You may have to carry your own weight as well as hers, and Vice versa. Be mature enough first and leave all baggage

Why is Believing in Yourself So Powerful

  God gives his strongest soldiers the hardest battles. But sometimes even the strongest soldiers question the meaning of a war. Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important. Capture the good times and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” Again, at times Keeping it together isn't the easiest thing to do. We keep fighting for the people we love and we stay focused smiling even when deep down we know that we aren’t ok. Sometimes to be happy it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you decided to look beyond imperfection. what do you do if it hurts so bad inside and the one you are supposed to be able to count on is too weak to support you? Their happiness is in you as well. So you stay strong for their sake despite what you are going through. They become dependent for their own happiness. We are stronger than we think. Some day we win all of the difficulties we face and be the true of us and the best person we can be. We therefore sta


 People wishing to apply for TSC number should be aware thst The Teachers Service  Commission has changed the manner in which payment for registration fee is done. Initially, payment was done through paybill or to the bank before application started. According to the new system, once you are done with uploading of BioData and the documents, there is a button that is indicated as PAY. Once you click PAY, a prompt appears on your mobile phone requesting you to enter your Mpesa pin in order to pay the amount stated. After you enter the pin and click send, that's when the system allows you to finalize your application. If you Pay prior to the Prompt, you will have a rough time trying to get a reversal of the money from the Bank. And in most cases the bank won't cancel the transaction.

Why You Really Need To Let The Man Go.

        .   You make him a better man but, he doesn’t make you a better woman. You are not really happy. You’re in a relationship with this man and things are not working the way you expect them to be.There has been drama a lot of unfulfilled needs and so you need to let him go.Bad, and unhealthy and toxic relationships show you are in a wrong place. Here are the reasons why you should let him go. There are so many women in a relationship who try to validate whether it is kids, marriage or whatever values that you need and they do not relate to your partner’s- you don’t share the same things, then he is not the right person to be with.A man can be a nice guy, loving, not abusive but, when you don’t share the same page with him... It can be very difficult to let go of what seems to be a great guy for so many reasons. What you need to understand is that it is not worth holding on to because all you will end up in is resentments and disappointments, having negative things pourer

The Honest Flake

  That Friday morning at around 9:30am, they noticed a white salon car slowly   driven into the school compound. The driver, seemed   unfamiliar with the environment from the way he was driving, popping out his elongated neck through the window looking for a place to park. It was his slow movement that caught their attention as he carefully parked the machine under the tall umbrella green leaved jacaranda tree. " Is the county Director of Education and his team paying us another visit in school today?" asked one of my colleagues passing by briskly. He quickly dashed into the staffroom rushing to put all his documents in order. Following the previous term's unannounced visit by the team, nobody wanted to be caught unaware in such a mess again. Failing to keep your teaching materials, learning and professional documents in order meant lack of quality and skills as a professional teacher.  The man took  five minutes or so  before he could get out of the car. I walked

The Insurance Deal

  Everyone looked at the deputy.   Looking very angry because nobody was giving her the attention that she needed. "Excuse me colleagues? The gentleman that you are seeing standing here right next to me, has come from the County and he wants to sell to us something.... some goods and services.   Let him introduce himself and thereafter tell you why he is here."   They all stopped doing what had busied themselves to to give the gentleman their attention. At   least there's no cause for alarm since the man did not seem to come from the County Director's Office of Education. It was indeed a relief...   He was a salesperson from Garrison's Home and Utensils Services. He was selling kitchenware and household goods. After his introduction, another man walked into the staffroom. He was his business partner but, from the look of things, the person who was doing the marketing looked more like his manager. He carried all the stuff that they needed to showcase. The


  Like living between a rock and a hard place, life has suddenly become more difficult to understand.   With the many unemployment rates, crimes in the streets, environmental pollution and to top it all, the spiralling upward cost of living has made it even more stressful for the human race. Today’s society is full of people learning to get opportunities in the working environments. Unluckily even with their best quality acquired knowledge and skills with certification, there isn’t employment. Job markets have become so competitive that one has to fight through their ways to at least get recognised. This has happened through connections or even by lady luck's choice. Imagine a freshly made graduate from the University who has to fight for a chance in the working society.   There could be reasons why they fight for better chances.   Some want to get the jobs so that they can be fit in the society – prove that they are capable of being independent and that they no longer nee

Dear Friends

  Dear friends We met by chance, we met by coincidence or fate. But I care about you anyway. I don’t care how you look or where you come from. Your background is not you. I only care to walk with you in this life and your Dreams.   To hold your hand when you can’t walk. Let’s walk this journey of life together. When you are happy dear friend, I am happy too. When you feel stressed and depressed let me be your Shoulder to lean on and not your fake one, To talk about poor you behind your back.   Don’t sideline me when you feel you have become better Than me or that I have better than you. We are different in our own unique ways. Don’t cancel our meetings because you have No time for me dear friend or that your House is in a mess.   It doesn’t matter how you look today When all is gone and you are not yourself. Let me be by your side and walk the path of life With you dear friend. Because that, is how we make merry memories. G