Parliament of Owls Summary.

Parliament of Owls is a play that Adipo Sidang has written in form of an Allegory to hide the impact of the text- moral, social religious and political issues. Parliament of Owls is a political set text in a birds kingdom under the mysterious leadership of King Tula Nyongoro. The Royal regime is under the night birds who consider themselves as the only birds that are above the law. They consider themselves to be more intelligent than other birds and they are the ones who can make sound statutes to govern the kingdom. The irony is that their regulations are biased and do not amount to the problems encountered in the kingdom. Amongst them is Oyundi the fire flinch that organises a political demonstration against the parliament of Owls in the quest for change. The irony is that this bird is considered one of the tamest species in Africa- it is a small bird. As a female character, this bird is a threat to the nocturnal birds the Owls in the Royal kingdom. This quest...