Why You Really Need To Let The Man Go.


  1.       .   You make him a better man but, he doesn’t make you a better woman.

You are not really happy. You’re in a relationship with this man and things are not working the way you expect them to be.There has been drama a lot of unfulfilled needs and so you need to let him go.Bad, and unhealthy and toxic relationships show you are in a wrong place. Here are the reasons why you should let him go.

There are so many women in a relationship who try to validate whether it is kids, marriage or whatever values that you need and they do not relate to your partner’s- you don’t share the same things, then he is not the right person to be with.A man can be a nice guy, loving, not abusive but, when you don’t share the same page with him... It can be very difficult to let go of what seems to be a great guy for so many reasons. What you need to understand is that it is not worth holding on to because all you will end up in is resentments and disappointments, having negative things pourer into the relationship that will negatively impact it leading to conflicts and regrets. It is better to head on the same direction. It is better to let go than hold on to what is not going to change. You can have a partner who doesn’t want kids while you do, doesn’t want you too go after your dream because they don’t have the same interests. What is the point of holding on when you will be left shattered for the rest of your life with a man in the relationship because of what they do for the man. It could be because you love him or because you have made him to be the man he isisin that relationship. That sounds very good but the reality is that you don’t get what you really in that relationship. That sounds very good but the reality is that you don’t get what you need. He does not uplift you, he doesn’t show you a better way, he hasn’t helped you involve into a better version of yourself.

 The reality is that a relationship that is happy and fulfilled has connection of two people who pour into each other and alleviate each other. People who are able to bring the best out of each other. But, when it is a one sided affair, something is horribly wrong. This is because in time, you are going to become drained by the dynamics. This is because you have set a state where you just give ,give and give while he just takes, takes and takes. You take into the project thinking that it will keep you safe emotionally. In reality, you are not happy, you are not getting back what you should receive. He doesn’t know how to stand on his feet and you carry him on your back. You end up making him a better man while he does not make you a better woman.       

 2. He is disrespectful.

Being abused by your partner should not be tolerated. The more you allow it to continue in your relationship, the more you enabled him to continue with this behaviour. He has no reason to change when you continue to allow him to disrespect you. You should not be disrespectful to your man in the same way. In some relationships, it is the woman who starts disrespecting the man. This makes him to retaliate by disrespecting you too.  You should not be the reason for him to disrespect you. Any form of disrespect should not be tolerated from both partners. If the man is not corrected and you getting involved as well then then the relationship has no meaning.

      3. He doesn’t want the same things as you.

Whether it is kids, marriage or whatever values that you need and they do not relate to your partner’s- you don’t share the same things, then he is not the right person to be with. He can be a nice guy, loving, not abusive but, when you don’t share the same page with you. It can be very difficult to let go of what seems to be a great guy for so many reasons. What you need to understand is that it is not worth holding on to because all you will end up in is resentments and disappointments, having negative things pourer into the relationship that will negatively impact it leading to conflicts and regrets. It is better to head on the same direction. It is better to let go than hold on to what is not going to change. You can have a partner who doesn’t want kids while you do, doesn’t want you too go after your dream because they don’t have the same interests. What is the point of holding on when you will be left shattered for the rest of your life.

      4. He makes you a convenience and not a priority.

If you are going to have a successful relationship, we git to recognise that the person we are going to build the relationship needs time, affection and attention. The guy may be busy he may not have much availability but he should put you as his priority. After God, your woman should come next in the list. If he isn’t, you should not be entertaining such. Is he really into you? Is he really into you just like he puts his work . There has to be a genuine connection. If there isn’t then what’s the point of that relationship. He then needs to let you go.

       5. Your intuition has been telling you he’s not the man to be with.

There is a difference between intuition and fear.Fear requires logic. E.g. you can be worried about an outcome of something or result of something. It normally gets the best of us. Intuition requires no logic and no facts. For example, you can be in a room where everything looks good, looks great but your spirit may tell you to get out of that place. You will feel it in you.Then something is terribly wrong. You need to leave. That is intuition. Learn to tap into your intuition. Many of you know that your intuition has been telling you that this is not the guy . You give yourself all kinds of reasons to rationalise and still give the man a chance. The longer you keep the wrong man in your life

, The harder it is to get him out. You therefore become unhealthily attached to this man until you don’t pay attention to what the intuition is trying to tell you and you find yourself stuck.

       6. He doesn’t talk to you.

There cannot be a relationship without communication. For example what do you do if a man doesn’t want to talk? Let him be! Sometimes the man may not be in the mood. This is understandable. But a case where the man does not communicate at all? That is a bad sign. He isn’t interested in you. The man needs to be willing to talk to you. If he never tries to communicate with you, how to improve your relationship, the future dreams, his problems and achievements. There is no point of being in that relationship.

        7. There is no connection between you two.

A good relationship should have connection between the two partners. He can be a great guy with great qualities but, if the connection is not there that relationship will not last. It will reach a point where you feel emptiness in the relationship. The connection is necessary. If it isn’t there then there is no need for the relationship. 


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